Omega Pilot Privacy Policy
We believe that you should always know what kind of data we collect from you, how we collect it, and how you can have control over your data. We strive to be transparent in our data collection efforts and to provide you with the data that you need to make decisions about our collection of data from you. This is the purpose of our privacy policy.

This privacy policy governs your use of the game Omega Pilot("Game") for Meta Quest devices, created by XOCUS.

What Data We Collect?
We use such Platform Features as User ID, User Profile, Friends, Invites.

Why We Collect It?
1. For our legitimate interests, consistent with your rights and preferences, we use personal data:
- To communicate with you, respond to your requests, or provide you with updates and information;
- To better understand our users, their interests, and their preferences;
- To personalize your experience, save your preferences, authenticate our users, and provide similar user-experience features;
- To develop, deliver, and improve our products, services, and other offerings;
- To manage and customize advertisements or promotional offers;
- For security purposes;

2. For internal purposes such as auditing and data analysis.
- To provide services that are subject to terms you have accepted, such as enforcing our licenses, agreements, and terms of service, which may include reasonable monitoring to detect and prevent misuse or fraud and to keep our games fair for all users.
- To the extent you give consent, such as when we would like to process your personal information for a purpose that would otherwise be incompatible with this policy.
- To comply with legal obligations

Requesting Data Deletion
We confirm that everyone has the right to be forgotten. All users, regardless of any characteristics, can request that their data be deleted. If a player would like to request a removal of their data, they may contact us at and we will do it, we're ready to honor each request.

Protection of personal data
XOCUS believes that the effectiveness of confidentiality depends on the effectiveness of the security system and compliance with security requirements by the User himself. We can use administrative, technical and physical means to protect your personal data and take into account the nature of personal data, the procedure for their processing and the risks that arise. We may take appropriate security measures of a technical nature, for example, encryption, pseudonymisation, logging, access restriction, data protection, etc. and of an organizational nature, such as instructions for our employees, confidentiality agreements, controls, etc. to ensure security of your personal data in order to protect against unauthorized or illegal processes and to counteract the risk of loss, unintentional alteration, unwanted disclosure or unauthorized access. However usually security risks cannot be completely eliminated and some residual risks are inevitable.

An important role in the protection of personal data is assigned to the User, so if the User wishes to report or provide any information about himself, he should familiarize himself with the security requirements of the service, application or other resource used before entering his personal data into them.

Contact Us
If you have any questions or suggestions about our Privacy Policy, do not hesitate to contact us at